Electronic School Book (BSE) PPKN SMP / MTs Class VII Curriculum 2013. This application was created to make it easier for students to learn anywhere and anytime.
This student book is patented by the Ministry of Education and Culture and can be disseminated to the public. It is hoped that this book will be more accessible so that students and educators can take advantage of this learning resource.
The features available in this application are:
1. Links between chapters and sub chapters
2. Responsive display that can be enlarged.
3. Page Search.
4. Minimalist landscape display.
5. Zoom In and Zoom Out.
The material discussed is based on PPKN material for Class 7 Middle School Curriculum 2013 sourced from https://www.kemdikbud.go.id. We help provide these learning resources but do not represent the Ministry of Education and Culture.